Imagine this scene: A family piles into the living room and pulls an old book off the shelf. But this isn’t just any kind of book- it’s mom’s senior yearbook. It’s covered in dust and faded from the years, but when it’s opened the memories come alive as if they were lived yesterday.
Laughter erupts as the kids find mom’s picture. There’s a joke about her hair and those glasses that are actually cool again. They ask her about who the boy was that had a heart scribbled across his face. That boyfriend that she had never thought to mention to them before suddenly have them all ears for details.
Mom laughs it off and then changes the subject. She points to their dad- a tall skinny guy that they don’t even recognize. “That’s you, dad?” a little boy asks in shock. He knew his dad played basketball, but on these pages, a better story is told. Dad didn’t just play basketball- he was player of the year! “Do you still have that jacket?” the daughter asks. Dad’s letterman jacket is now a fashion statement that the kids are fighting over.
The kids continue to poke fun at the style of clothing and ask about mom and dad’s friends. They’ve heard some of these stories before, but now that these people have a face, they can really imagine their teenage years. Their attention is turned to all of the hand-written notes on the front and back pages of the yearbook. They ask mom about all of the silly inside jokes and ask about the nicknames she used to have. She had completely forgotten about them! And those love notes from the boys, those are read aloud with dramatic performance. They’re never going to let her live this down.
Memories Come Back to Life in Yearbooks
Right there in a living room, a whole new world of memories were unfolded. Those short high school years that flashed by so quickly can be remembered and treasured forever. Things that we tend to forget about- like that friend that sat next to us in Chemistry and that group of people we always had lunch with- they all become real again and we can share them with the people we love.
What a precious gift that is, to be able to share the best years of your life with the best people in your life.
You Can’t Put a Price on Sharing Your Life with the Ones You Love Most
Why do people invest money into yearbooks? Because they capture and encapsulate some of the best years of our lives. They hold memories that we would have otherwise lost if they weren’t recorded. Yearbook memories can be passed on to the people that you love the most.